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=== Custom Apps ===
=== Custom Apps ===

== Worflows ==
== Workflows ==

=== Change a recipe/ZIM warehouse path ===
Changing the warehouse path of a recipe / ZIM once a first ZIM has already been produced is not a negligible action. It has impact on the library and on the imager, where actions must be coordinated.

It is hence mandatory that whenever a recipe/ZIM needs to change its warehouse path, a ticket is opened on [https://github.com/openzim/zim-requests openzim/zim_requests] and assigned to both @RavanJAltaie, @benoit74 and @rgaudin for proper coordination:
* disable the recipe in Zimfarm (apriori @RavanJAltaie)
* wait until there are no more in-progress Orders in the imager that includes those ZIMs (apriori @rgaudin)
* move existing ZIMs on the file server (apriori @benoit74)
* trigger imager catalog refresh right after the move so any Order created right after uses the new URL (apriori @rgaudin)
* update the warehouse path in Zimfarm (apriori @RavanJAltaie)
* reenable the recipe in Zimfarm (apriori @RavanJAltaie)
=== Deleting a ZIM ===
Deleting a ZIM which has already been published is not a negligible action. It has impact on the library and on the imager, where actions must be coordinated.
It is hence mandatory that whenever a recipe/ZIM needs to be deleted, a ticket is opened on [https://github.com/openzim/zim-requests openzim/zim_requests] and assigned to both @benoit74 and @rgaudin for proper coordination:
* wait until there are no more in-progress Orders in the imager that includes those ZIMs (apriori @rgaudin)
* delete ZIMs on the file server (apriori @benoit74)
* trigger imager catalog refresh right after the move so any Order created right after uses the new URL (apriori @rgaudin)
Nota: moving a file to the archive (for instance) has to be considered as a file deletion
=== Zimfarm monitoring ===
Content team has to monitor the farm at https://farm.openzim.org
==== Abnormal task duration ====
At least twice a week, it is necessary to analyze ongoing tasks at and report any task with an abnormal duration.
An abnormal duration is a task which takes longer than 7 days to complete AND which usual duration is either unknown (new tasks) or significantly lower than current duration (few days at least).
For every task with an abnormal duration, an issue must be created in openzim/zim-request with the "Zimfarm Task Duration Issue" [https://github.com/openzim/zim-requests/issues/new/choose template].
The issue must be assigned to:
- the task requestor if the task has been manually requested in the Zimfarm
- Ravan otherwise
==== Failed tasks ====
Whenever possible and at least twice a week, it is necessary to report failed tasks in Github issues.
If the task failure is linked to an new recipe currently being fine-tuned, the failure must be reported in the corresponding existing issue in [https://github.com/openzim/zim-requests/issues openzim/zim-request].
If the task failure is linked to a recipe which already has a "Zimfarm Recipe Issue" issue opened in [https://github.com/openzim/zim-requests/issues openzim/zim-request], then a new comment must be added to the issue.
Otherwise, a new issue must be created in openzim/zim-request with the "Zimfarm Recipe Failure Issue" [https://github.com/openzim/zim-requests/issues/new/choose template]. The issue must first be assigned to Ravan for first diagnosis.
In both cases, the "Bug" label must be placed on the issue.
=== First diagnosis of "Zimfarm Recipe Failure Issue" issues ===
You may do the first diagnosis only if the issue is assigned to you. If the issue is assigned to someone else, please ask for permission first. This rule can be bypassed for obvious reasons is the person is on long leave, sick, ...
This diagnosis is expected to be done within few days, less than a week at most.
To diagnose "Zimfarm Recipe Issue", following criteria have to be analyzed:
- if this the first failure of the recipe in a row?
- do we have a previous task that worked well?
- we don't have obvious message in the scraper log that indicates the recipe is doomed to fail if ran again ?
If the answer is YES to all three questions, then the recipe must be requested again, this might have been a temporary failure.
Otherwise, either the recipe parameters have to be adjusted if the fix is obvious (e.g. "Title is too long error", ...) and the recipe requested again, or the issue must be raised to Benoit for analysis.
=== First diagnosis of "Zimfarm Task Duration Issue" issues ===
You may do the first diagnosis only if the issue is assigned to you. If the issue is assigned to someone else, please ask for permission first. This rule can be bypassed for obvious reason is the person is on long leave, sick, ...
This diagnosis is expected to be done within few hours, less than few days at most.
To diagnose "Zimfarm Task Duration Issue", following criteria have to be analyzed:
- do we still have signs of activity in scraper log (e.g. a log from less than 1 day ago) ?
- for scraper reporting progress, are the progress number relevant to have completion within 30 days ?
- is the task running for less than 30 days ?
If the answer is YES to all three question, then you should let the task continue and reassess within few days.
If the answer is NO to any of these questions, then the issue must be raised to Benoit for analysis.
=== (draft) Notes from former Youtube workflow (Draft) ===
## To create a new recipe for youtube files
## To create a new recipe for youtube files



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