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*** WikiOnBoard
*** WikiOnBoard
* posters
* posters
== Project ==
=== General Information ===
* '''Project Title:''' openZIM
* '''Category:''' Eduction
* '''Project URL:''' http://openzim.org/
==== Project Description ====
* '''English (short):'''openZIM has developed and published a file format for efficient storage of HTML contents, focused on Wikipedia. Due to the free standards several free applications have been created that can read or write ZIM files on various platforms, such as GNU/Linux, Windows, Symbian, Mac OS X etc.
* '''English:'''
*:Our mission is to  make Wiki content available offline, with a primary focus on the  contents of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects.
*:The core  focus of this project is on extracting and encoding of all data from  MediaWiki for offline use. With the help of the Wikimedia Foundation we  are working together to create a regular process of making ZIM files for  the Wikimedia projects.
*:When this is successful we would like  to add support for other wiki engines so that this can become a  ubiquitous file format for offline wiki data. We even believe the file  format could be flexible enough to support any kind of web data.
*:The general goals we want to achieve are:
*:* the file format is the most efficient and works on all platforms, embedded devices and desktop computers
*:* the file format is used by all kind of publishers and even outside the Wikimedia community
*:* both reader applications and content files are freely interchangeable
*:* everyone can implement software for this file format because it is in a open and documented standard
*:* there is at least one free implementation which is open source
*:*  the free implementation can be used easily in other software to make it  easy to use the file format without having to implement it
* '''German (short):''' Das openZIM-Projekt entwickelt ein Dateiformat und Programme um Wikipedia-Artikel und andere Daten ausserhalb des Internets zu nutzen - passend für Handheld-Geräte, ebook-Leser oder Schulserver.
* '''German:'''
*:Unser Ziel ist es  Wiki-Inhalte ausserhalb des Internets verfügbar zu machen, dabei  konzentrieren wir uns vorranging auf die Inhalte der Wikipedia und der  anderen Wikimedia-Projekte.
*:Der Kern des Projektes besteht darin  Daten aus MediaWiki zu exportieren und für die offline-Nutzung  aufzubereiten. Mit der Hilfe der Wikimedia Foundation arbeiten wir daran  einen regelmässigen Prozess zu schaffen um ZIM-Dateien aus den  Wikimedia-Projekte zu exportieren.
*:Sobald dies abgeschlossen  wurde möchten wir auch andere Wiki-Software unterstützen und damit ZIM  zum universellen Datenformat für Offline-Wikidaten zu machen. Wir denken  dass das Dateiformat flexibel genug ist um jede Art von Internet-Daten  zu speichern.
*:Unsere allgemeine Ziele sind:
*:* ZIM ist das effizienteste Speicherverfahren und funktioniert auf allen Plattformen, embedded Geräten und normalen Computern
*:* das Dateiformat wird von allen Herausgebern benutzt, auch ausserhalb der Wikimedia-Gemeinschaft
*:* sowohl die Lesesoftware als auch die Inhalte sind beliebig austauschbar
*:* jeder kann seine eigene ZIM-Software schreiben, da es sich um einen offenen, dokumentierten Standard handelt
*:* es gibt mindestens eine Implementierung als Freie Software
*:*  die Freie Implementierung can einfach in andere Programme eingebunden  werden um das Dateiformat zu nutzen ohne es selbst implementieren zu  müssen
=== Project Community ===
==== Development Process ====
* '''URL to Source-Repository:''' http://svn.openzim.org/
* '''Developer's Planet, Newssite, Blog:''' https://intern.openzim.org/mailman/listinfo/dev-l
* '''External upstream uploads accepted?''' yes
==== Developer Community Size ====
* '''Germany:''' 4
* '''Europe:''' 7
* '''Worldwide:''' 9
* '''Developers employed by single company:''' 0
==== Supporting Institution ====
* '''Name:''' Wikimedia CH
* '''Address:'''
* '''URL:''' http://openzim.org/
* '''Email:'''
=== Exhibtion at Linuxtag ===
==== Last year's participation ====
* '''Did you participate at last year's LinuxTag?''' yes
* '''Feedback on booth size and equipment:''' we had a small booth together with tntnet, but with two counters and a table shared for both which was perfect and would be great to have the same setup this year again
*: the network connection (LAN) was not available at the  booth, later we got one cable from another booth causing problems as eg.  some exhibitors shut down the booth early on Saturday, cutting us off  the net
* '''Feedback on booth location:''' the location was maybe  the most quiet area in the hall, directly behind the second entrance  where hardly people were around - only a lot of commercial exhibitors
*: a bit more inside the halls with more community projects would be nice - eg. Linux4Africa, SkoleLinux, OpenOffice.org
==== Presentation ====
* '''Highlights:''' new version of the ZIM file format, running smoothly on tiny embedded devices
* '''Merchandising:''' n/a
* '''Partner Project(s):''' tntnet
==== Booth ====
* '''Wanted size:''' 9 m²
* '''Number of Staff:''' 5
* '''Equipment:''' posters, beamer
* '''Advantages for other exhibitors:'''
* '''Required special booth equipment:''' board to put beamer on
=== Public Relations ===
==== Press Contact ====
* '''Name:''' Manuel Schneider
* '''Address:''' Scheffelstrasse 1, 79585 Steinen
* '''URL:''' http://openzim.org/
* '''Email:''' manuel.schneider@wikimedia.ch
==== News during LinuxTag ====
* '''News:''' n/a